Christmas in July ideas for any weather

Christmas in July ideas

If you’re Christmas-crazy like us, then you don’t need an excuse to celebrate twice! But, even if you’re not obsessed with Christmas, July is a great time for a mid-way celebration and most importantly, switching up your Christmas season.

If you’re in the northern hemisphere and Christmas is usually a little on the chilly side, now is your chance for a Christmas barbecue or cook out. Or, if like us, you’re down south and craving some Christmas cosiness, now is your time to pull on an ugly Christmas jumper and snuggle up with a Christmas movie.

Whatever the season, we’ve got some ideas to create a fuss-free, fun and festive Christmas in July…

Set the Christmas scene

Homemade Christmas paperchain

Unless you’re an absolute Christmas nut, you might not want to drag all of the Christmas decorations out and fully deck the halls. To keep it simple in the sunshine, why not pick an outside tree to decorate? Or even a balcony plant if you’re in a small space! Grab a few baubles, or even a simple garland for some festive feels. You could even give some outdoor pool noodle decorations a go.

If it’s cold outside, then now is the time to cosy up. Think fairy lights and festive cushions and throws. If you like craft, you could even make some of your own decorations – check out our Christmas crafts, below.

Festive Finger foods

Camembert dough ball wreath

Nobody wants to be cooking a full turkey with all the trimmings twice a year! Stick to simple fingers foods to make your life easier.

Sausage rolls, turkey pies or a baked camembert wreath are perfect for cold weather, but if you’re feeling the heat and don’t want to add to it by turning on the oven, a barbecue might be best. Compliment the sausages and steaks with some fun, Christmassy additions, like a brussel sprout salad or this Christmas tree cheese and fruit platter.

For a delicious dessert in all weathers, check out our ultimate Christmas chocolate brownie recipe!

What to wear to a Christmas in July party?


Joy to the World relaxed Christmas t-shirt

If it’s usually warm at Christmas time where you are, then there’s usually not much chance of donning an ugly Christmas jumper, so a Christmas in July party is your best opportunity. Think fair isle knits, sequin snowflakes or fun Christmas characters.

Not sure what to wear if July means summer for you? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! (see what we did there?!). Check out our range of not-so-ugly Christmas t-shirts right here.

Eat, drink and be merry

Holiday cranberry mojito

We’ve covered the food, but what about a Christmas cocktail?

For a family friendly option, this cranberry fruit punch is a simple, summery winner. But, if you prefer your punch with a little more… well… punch, then you might want to add some rum and make it a mojito. Or, go totally retro with some advocaat and lemonade and make snowballs.

When it comes to warming up in winter, who doesn’t love a hot chocolate? Make it irish, with a nip of whisky for the adults or try our classic mulled wine recipe.

Christmas in July activities for all ages

Christmas movie night

The scene is set, food and drink sorted and you’re all dressed up and ready to go, but how to entertain your guests.

  • Kris Kringle:

Everyone has their own rules to this, but ours goes as follows:

  1. Everyone spends a certain amount on a gift (you can set as big or small a limit as you like, buy only from thrift/charity shops or even make homemade gifts)
  2. Keep them anonymous!
  3. Put all gifts under the tree and number pieces of paper corresponding the number of guests
  4. Everyone takes a number from the hat
  5. Take it in turns to choose a gift depending on your number
  6. After you’ve opened your gift you can choose to stick with it or switch with someone else!
  • Christmas crafts

There are so many Christmas crafts you can do with simple things you have around your home, but we like making decorations. Scrap paper is all you need to make snowflakes or paperchains. Or go foraging and make some pine cone decorations.

  • Play a game

If you’re stuck inside then charades or board games will be the way to go, or you could even put on some Christmas music and have a dance party! Celebrating in the sun? Then it’s a great opportunity to get the kids outside and run around with a backyard ball game or even a water balloon fight.

  • Christmas movie night

When everyone’s feeling full and tired out, it’s time to turn on a Christmas movie. Snuggle up with the fire going, or try an outside movie under the stars and watch one of these classics.

Most importantly, Christmas in July is about getting together, having some fun and not sweating the small stuff, whatever the weather!